I’ve been quiet on here. There’s too much going on for me to free up my brain to write, in all honesty.
I’m scrambling every month to pay bills and eat.
I’m fighting to pay for my son’s private Speech and Language Therapy, because the NHS cannot give him weekly 1:1 sessions.
I’m paying for someone to help me with my son’s EHCP tribunal case - actually, I’m massively behind in paying her… I’m really sorry.
I’ve been off sick from my full-time jobs for four weeks, due to mobility issues and horrific pain, covered up by loads of meds.
PIP wasn’t awarded.
And we’re trying to move.
And it’s got to me today. I’m not creative anymore.
So, I’m announcing a break so I can let my brain put Paranting to one side again. Come back with fresh ideas for articles, ways to bring in revenue to I can pay the freelancers who have produced content for the print magazines. Restart the print magazine.
Thanks again for your support in reading my newsletters. It makes me smile and gives me hope. <3
You can keep up with what I’m doing outside of work on Twitter or Instagram.